Tuesday 1 December 2009

Making Perfume: Everything Makes Scents

Gosh, its been a while since we blogged but so much has been happening. I'm making it an early New Year's resolution to blog more often!

We're crazy about some of the new scents we have been ordering in for the 'Making Perfume: Everything Makes Scents' workshop. We have extended the course from half a day to a full day as we were finding it difficult to cram everything in!

Sitting on the desk in front of me I have some lovely aromas - Gracefruit's Pomegranate Noir is one of our favourites, as is their Tobacco Leaf. Cathy loves the Japanese Plum (which makes a change, she normally goes for anything to do with Rose) and Bryony is eyeing up the musk (better smell than the Body Shop range apparently!)

In our last workshop, some of the students were tyring to design a Perfume for Michelle Obama. The winning perfume comprised rosewood, cedarwood, vetiver, violet and lily. It was stunning - a subtle yet pervading floral aroma with haunting undertones of woodland.

My daughter has tasked me with making her a warm berry perfume - not too sweet, not too fruity, not too cloying and not too strong 'that Daddy will be commenting'. She knows what she wants - let's just hope I can deliver!

If you'd like to design and wear your own perfume, why not come and join us on one of our perfume making workshops. We don't just stop at perfume but create blends suitable for a room spray or diffuser, a linen spray or pillow perfume too - plus we enjoy sampling and analysing some of the big name brands.

For more information on the Perfume Making course, please see the course description on our website. We also have a 'Make Your Own Beautiful Perfume / Aftershave' kit for those of you that want to try making perfume at home.

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