Thursday, 10 December 2015

Gardenia Grand Soir by Parfumerie Generale Private Collection

Given that we all adore bergamot (our aroma of the week) we were slightly disappointed with the first impression of this perfume since the bergamot was undetectable ..... but gardenia definitely is!

We had slightly differing opinions on the opening of this perfume - to some it was sharp green notes, but to others is was soft green.  As it settles we felt it was confusing - floral but at the same time sweet - as if flowers had been made into cellophane wrapped sweets.

After half an hour or so we are left with something sweet and creamy but can't quite put our finger on what it is.  Even though sandalwood features in the perfume there are no woody notes, musk features too but its too sweet for musk - the confusion remains.

Probably not a perfume we'd all queue up to wear again - it feels too grown up, maybe we should check back in a few years time when we have all grown up.......

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