Thursday 28 July 2016

Moonlight In Heaven By Kilian

A new fragrance this year from Kilian, Moonlight in Heaven is described as a bright and exotic scent. We hope to be transported to a place of peace and calm, perhaps feeling like a goddess along the way.....

With top notes of grapefruit, lemon and pink pepper we expect a zingy fresh opening - Sally took the lead on this one and had the first spray.... her initial comment was "oohh! car sick - old car sick".
Needless to say the rest of us were a little wary..... however in the name of all things fragrant we ploughed on.

Thankfully the rest of us didn't share Sally's initial thoughts (phew!) and the comments included fruity, coconut and milky.  The coconut element (our aroma of the week) is quite prominent and adds a sweet note, alongside mango and as the perfume settles we get more sweetness from tonka bean. It is a light and gentle fragrance, not one that will shout your arrival from the rooftops but not everyone wants to make a huge entrance.

Opinion is divided on this one - some think it safe and timid, others are quite keen but sadly none of us are adding it the shopping list for this year's duty free visit at the airport.

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