Sunday 1 February 2009

Making Perfumes - the power of smell

Never underestimate the power of smell, its an extraordinary sensation (excuse the pun)

Whilst writing the Making Perfume: An Adventure Trail course, I had an overwhelming urge to sniff everything I came into contact with. I guess it's like reading a cookery book when you're hungry, you want to devour the contents of the fridge! Translate 'reading a cookery book' to 'writing a perfume course' and you'll understand how I felt. My nose sampled everything from wet washing to dry washing (they smell very different - and yet the only difference is water...), a ream of freshly opened printer paper, a brand new leather diary, burnt apple sauce (don't ask) and every conceivable fruit, vegetable and flower I could lay my hands on. I think Sainsburys have be down as a serial veg sniffer, luckily they appear to be very understanding.

The rather cloying and not-my-favourite ylang ylang, became livened up with lime, mellowed with vetiver and full bodied with patchouli. It was then spiced with sandalwood, peppered with bay, lightened with a pinch of orris and rounded off with a touch of bergamot. What a splendid aroma it is now - I've splashed it liberally around the shop and been noting people's reactions when they come in. The result is a definite success and ylang ylang is back up there on my list of 'gorgeous essential oils'!

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